Monday 11 July 2016

Gavin Barden - Bartons Point Toffee Drop For The Kids


Broken Wing said...

Thanks for doing the toffee drop yet again Gavin. (You saved us on both days).
I am trying to get hold of a low cost President T240 for next year. I will then have my Mr Blobby plane the kids so love or the T240 if the wind blows too hard for Blobby to fly.
I am sure if I don't do something for all the kids I could end up getting strung up.
After all can't let them down can we...

tp2fly said...

You could still do the T240 up in Blobby colours ��

Broken Wing said...

Now got a 240 and just fitted in (just) a 30cc petrol engine so that should be able to pick up a few toffees. Still got a long way to go to get it ready but should cope with the wind better.